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Overview of DPC China Division One Matches for May 28

Published at: 2023-05-28 13:58:00

We have Chinese DPC matches two days in a row, with another packed schedule for May 27. Starting the day off is the warm-up, Invictus Gaming playing against Aster.Aries, then we get to the main courses with PSG.LGD versus Azure Ray and Team Aster against Xtreme Gaming to end the day.

Invictus Gaming 2-0 Aster.Aries

Aster.Aries used to be a middle-of-the-pack team in China Division I, but they have yet to win a single game this season. IG look to claim their third win from this series.

Game 1

The first game of the series was very close, with only 2,000 gold separating both teams at the 30-minute mark, but Ulu’s Medusa was becoming a big problem. After killing Emo’s Queen of Pain and Dust’s Faceless Void, Aries looked to siege IG’s high ground while their two big cores were dead.

However, the rest of IG were able to defend and stall enough time for Dust to respawn. IG managed to kill all three Aries cores, including the big Ulu Medusa. From then on, IG took complete control of the game and ended it at 45 minutes.

Game 2

In Game 2, IG demolished the laning stage, building up a 4,000 net worth lead 11 minutes into the game. Fortunately for IG, they had Visage and Void Spirit to snowball their lead into a quick 27-minute victory. 

PSG.LGD 2-1 Azure Ray

We have the most exciting matchup for May 27, as Azure Ray’s fy, Somnus, and Chalice will be playing against their old organization and captain, y`. 

Game 1 - Game To Watch

PSG.LGD once again went for shiro’s Medusa in Game 1, which is currently undefeated in the DPC Summer Tour. To counter the Medusa, Azure Ray picked Windranger, Pangolier, and Terrorblade, three heroes who can buy Diffusal Blade.

Azure Ray took an early lead with the first Aegis, but PSG.LGD were able to win fights to keep the game even. It was a very back-and-forth game, showing how skilled both teams were. It came down to the 41-minute Rohan fight, where Azure Ray won the fight convincingly after killing shiro’s Medusa. 

The team fight victory helped Azure Ray secure Aegis and take control of the game. It took 57 minutes and a 66,000 gold lead for Azure Ray to close the game. Somnus ended the game 15/0/14 as Pangolier, showing that old age hasn’t affected him at all.

Game 2

Though they lost the first game, PSG.LGD, on paper, were still the better team. They still had the confidence to pick shiro’s Medusa, which turned out very well. PSG.LGD had an excellent early game and converted their lead to start sieging high-ground 27 minutes in. It was too much for Azure Ray as they tapped out at the 31st minute.

Game 3

For the final game, PSG.LGD went for a robust mid-game draft, with Beastmaster, Muerta, and Winter Wyvern as their three cores. To respond, Azure Ray 24th picked Naga Siren to try and delay the game. Azure Ray’s approach didn’t work out as PSG.LGD won their lanes to build a 4,000 net worth lead at 11 minutes. PSG.LGD hit their mid-game timings in the 30th minute and ended the game 3 minutes after.

Team Aster Xtreme Gaming

Team Aster, sitting at a score of 4-0, is tasked to face Xtreme Gaming, a team with a 3-1 score. Though Aster are favored to win, Xtreme can’t be counted out.

Game 1

For Game 1, Xtreme went for a farm-heavy draft, picking heroes such as Alchemist and Magnus, while Aster stuck to comfort heroes, including Medusa and Windranger. Though the laning phase was even, Xtreme naturally out-farmed Aster with their draft. Using their significant gold advantage, Xtreme was able to take Game 1 with a score of 29-9—a great showing from all three Xtreme Gaming cores.

Game 2

In the second game, Aster tidied up their draft, putting SumaiL on his signature Storm Spirit. Aster won the laning phase and used their teamwork prowess to control the game completely. JT’s Axe pick felt underwhelming and couldn’t help Xtreme regain momentum. This time, the stomp was reversed, and Xtreme were the ones to have less than ten kills at the end of the game, with SumaiL and Monet ending 19/1/8 and 10/0/13, respectively.

Game 3

Aster again went for SumaiL’s Storm Spirit and decided to support him with BoBoKa’s Io. To respond, Xtreme got a 24th pick Phantom Lancer, a very sound pick for this game. However, Team Aster dominated the early game, with all three of their cores sitting at the top of the net worth chart. Ghost on Phantom Lancer did not have enough time to farm, as their map was constantly shrinking. Xtreme had to tap out 28 minutes in, giving Aster their 5th win of the season.

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